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How to use curl for web scraping and data extraction: practical examples and tips

Anna . 2024-09-29

Whether it is automated data collection, web content analysis or API calls, curl can provide flexible and efficient solutions to help users easily handle various network data tasks.

Introduction to curl command and basic usage

curl (full name Client URL) is a command line tool and library for transmitting data, supporting multiple protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc. It can send network requests through the command line to obtain remote resources and display or save data. The following are basic usage examples of the curl command:

Send HTTP GET request and output the response content to standard output


Save the obtained content to a file

curl -o output.html

Send a POST request and pass data

curl -X POST -d "username=user&password=pass"

View HTTP header information

curl -I

Practical tips: How to use curl for web crawling and data extraction

1. Crawl web page content and save it to a file

Using curl, you can easily crawl web page content and save it to a local file, which is suitable for tasks that require regular acquisition of updated content.

curl -o output.html

2. Use regular expressions to extract data

Combined with the grep command, you can perform regular expression matching on the content obtained by curl to extract specific data fragments from it.

curl | grep -oP '&lt;title&gt;\K.*?(?=&lt;\/title&gt;)'

3. Send POST request and process response data

By sending POST request through curl and processing the returned JSON or other format data, you can interact with API or submit data.

curl -X POST -d '{"username":"user","password":"pass"}'

4. Download files or resources in batches

Using curl's loop structure, you can download files or resources in batches, such as pictures, documents, etc.

for url in $(cat urls.txt); do curl -O $url; done

5. Use HTTP header information and cookie management

Through curl, you can easily manage HTTP header information and cookies, simulate login status or pass necessary authentication information.

curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt


Through the introduction of this article, you should now have a deeper understanding of how to use curl for web scraping and data extraction. As a powerful and flexible command line tool, curl is not only suitable for personal use, but also widely used in automated scripts and large-scale data processing. I hope this article can provide you with valuable practical tips and guidance in network data processing and management.

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